21. If Ram knows that y is an integer greater than 2 and less than 7 and Hari knows that y is an integer greater than 5 and less than 10, then they may correctly conclude that
(A) y can be exactly determined
(B) y may be either of two values
(C) y may be any of three values
(D) there is no value of y satisfying these conditions
22. Four pipes can fill a reservoir in 15, 20, 30 and 60 hours respectively. The first one was opened at 6 AM, second at 7 AM, third at 8 AM and the fourth at 9 AM. When will the reservoir be filled ?
(A) 11 AM
(B) 12 Noon
(C) 1 PM
(D) 1:30 PM
The total electricity generation in a country is 97 GW. The contribution of various energy sources is indicated in percentage terms in the Pie Chart given below:

23. What is the contribution of wind and solar power in absolute terms in the electricity generation?
(A) 6.79 GW
(B) 19.4 GW
(C) 9.7 GW
(D) 29.1 GW
24. What is the contribution of renewable energy sources in absolute terms in the electricity generation?
(A) 29.1 GW
(B) 26.19 GW
(C) 67.9 GW
(D) 97 GW
25. TCP/IP is necessary if one is to connect to the
(A) Phone lines
(C) Internet
(D) a Server
26. Each character on the keyboard of computer has an ASCII value which stands for
(A) American Stock Code for Information Interchange
(B) American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(C) African Standard Code for Information Interchange
(D) Adaptable Standard Code for Information Change
27. Which of the following is not a programming language?
(A) Pascal
(B) Microsoft Office
(C) Java
(D) C++
28. Minimum number of bits required to store any 3 digit decimal number is equal to
(A) 3
(B) 5
(C) 8
(D) 10
29. Internet explorer is a type of
(A) Operating System
(B) Compiler
(C) Browser
(D) IP address
30. POP3 and IMAP are e-mail accounts in which
(A) One automatically gets one’s mail everyday
(B) One has to be connected to the server to read or write one’s mail
(C) One only has to be connected to the server to send and receive email
(D) One does not need any telephone lines