शनिवार, 3 सितंबर 2016



41. India’s first Defense University is in the State of
(A) Haryana 

(B) Andhra Pradesh
(C) Uttar Pradesh 

(D) Punjab

42. Most of the Universities in India
(A) conduct teaching and research only
(B) affiliate colleges and conduct examinations
(C) conduct teaching/research and examinations
(D) promote research only

43. Which one of the following is not a Constitutional Body?
(A) Election Commission 

(B) Finance Commission
(C) Union Public Service Commission 

(D) Planning Commission

44. Which one of the following statements is not correct?
(A) Indian Parliament is supreme.
(B) The Supreme Court of India has the power of judicial review.
(C) There is a division of powers between the Centre and the States.
(D) There is a Council of Ministers to aid and advise the President.

45. Which one of the following statements reflects the republic character of Indian democracy?
(A) Written Constitution
(B) No State religion
(C) Devolution of power to local Government institutions
(D) Elected President and directly or indirectly elected Parliament

46. Who among the following appointed by the Governor can be removed by only the President of India?
(A) Chief Minister of a State
(B) A member of the State Public Service Commission
(C) Advocate-General
(D) Vice-Chancellor of a State University

47. If two small circles represent the class of the ‘men’ and the class of the ‘plants’ and the big circle represents ‘mortality’, which one of the following figures represent the proposition ‘All men are mortal.’ ?

Answer: C

The following table presents the production of electronic items (TVs and LCDs) in a factory during the period from 2006 to 2010. Study the table carefully and answer the questions from 48 to 52:

48. In which year, the total production of electronic items is maximum?
(A) 2006 

(B) 2007
(C) 2008 

(D) 2010

49. What is the difference between averages of production of LCDs and TVs from 2006 to 2008 ?
(A) 3000 

(B) 867
(C) 3015 

(D) 2400

50. What is the year in which production of TVs is half the production of LCDs in the year 2010 ?
(A) 2007 

(B) 2006
(C) 2009 

(D) 2008



31. The binary equivalent of (–15)10 is (2’s complement system is used)
(A) 11110001 

(B) 11110000
(C) 10001111 

(D) None of these

32. 1 GB is equal to
(A) 230 bits 

(B) 230 bytes
(C) 220 bits 

(D) 220 bytes

33. The set of computer programs that manage the hardware/software of a computer is called
(A) Compiler system 

(B) Operation system
(C) Operating system 

(D) None of these

34. S/MIME in Internet technology stands for
(A) Secure Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
(B) Secure Multimedia Internet Mail Extension
(C) Simple Multipurpose Internet Mail Extension
(D) Simple Multimedia Internet Mail Extension

35. Which of the following is not covered in 8 missions under the Climate Action Plan of Government of India?
(A) Solar power 

(B) Waste to energy conversion
(C) Afforestation 

(D) Nuclear energy

36. The concentration of Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) in drinking water should not exceed
(A) 500 mg/L 

(B) 400 mg/L
(C) 300 mg/L 

(D) 200 mg/L

37. ‘Chipko’ movement was first started by
(A) Arundhati Roy 

(B) Medha Patkar
(C) Ila Bhatt 

(D) Sunderlal Bahuguna

38. The constituents of photochemical smog responsible for eye irritation are
(A) SO2 and O3 

(B) SO2 and NO2
(C) HCHO and PAN 

(D) SO2 and SPM

39. Assertion (A) : Some carbonaceous aerosols may be carcinogenic.
Reason (R) : They may contain polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs).
(A) Both (A) and (R) are correct and (R) is the correct explanation of (A).
(B) Both (A) and (R) are correct but (R) is not the correct explanation of (A).
(C) (A) is correct, but (R) is false.
(D) (A) is false, but (R) is correct.

40. Volcanic eruptions affect
(A) atmosphere and hydrosphere
(B) hydrosphere and biosphere
(C) lithosphere, biosphere and atmosphere
(D) lithosphere, hydrosphere and atmosphere



21. If 5472 = 9, 6342 = 6, 7584 = 6, what is 9236 ?

(B) 3
(C) 4 

(D) 5

22. In an examination, 35% of the total students failed in Hindi, 45% failed in English and 20% in both. The percentage of those who passed in both subjects is
(A) 10 

(B) 20
(C) 30 

(D) 40

23. Two statements I and II given below are followed by two conclusions (a) and (b). Supposing the statements are true, which of the following conclusions can logically follow?
Statements :
I. Some flowers are red.
II. Some flowers are blue.
Conclusions :
(a) Some flowers are neither red nor blue.
(b) Some flowers are both red and blue.
(A) Only (a) follows. 

(B) Only (b) follows.
(C) Both (a) and (b) follow. 

(D) Neither (a) nor (b) follows.

24. If the statement ‘all students are intelligent’ is true, which of the following statements are false?
(i) No students are intelligent.
(ii) Some students are intelligent.
(iii) Some students are not intelligent.
(A) (i) and (ii) 

(B) (i) and (iii)
(C) (ii) and (iii) 

(D) (i) only

25. A reasoning where we start with certain particular statements and conclude with a universal statement is called
(A) Deductive Reasoning 

(B) Inductive Reasoning
(C) Abnormal Reasoning 

(D) Transcendental Reasoning

26. What is the smallest number of ducks that could swim in this formation – two ducks in front of a duck, two ducks behind a duck and a duck between two ducks?
(A) 5 

(B) 7
(C) 4 

(D) 3

27. Mr. A, Miss B, Mr. C and Miss D are sitting around a table and discussing their trades.
(i) Mr. A sits opposite to the cook.
(ii) Miss B sits right to the barber
(iii) The washerman sits right to the barber
(iv) Miss D sits opposite to Mr. C
What are the trades of A and B ?
(A) Tailor and barber 

(B) Barber and cook
(C) Tailor and cook 

(D) Tailor and washerman

28. Which one of the following methods serve to measure correlation between two variables?
(A) Scatter Diagram 

(B) Frequency Distribution
(C) Two-way table 

(D) Coefficient of Rank Correlation

29. Which one of the following is not an Internet Service Provider (ISP) ?

(C) ERNET India 

(D) Infotech India Ltd.

30. The hexadecimal number system consists of the symbols
(A) 0 – 7 

(B) 0 – 9 , A – F
(C) 0 – 7, A – F 

(D) None of these



11. Media that exist in an interconnected series of communication – points are referred to as
(A) Networked media 

(B) Connective media
(C) Nodal media 

(D) Multimedia

12. The information function of mass communication is described as
(A) diffusion 

(B) publicity
(C) surveillance 

(D) diversion

13. An example of asynchronous medium is
(A) Radio 

(B) Television
(C) Film 

(D) Newspaper

14. In communication, connotative words are
(A) explicit 

(B) abstract
(C) simple 

(D) cultural

15. A message beneath a message is labelled as
(A) embedded text 

(B) internal text
(C) inter-text 

(D) sub-text

16. In analog mass communication, stories are
(A) static 

(B) dynamic
(C) interactive 
(D) exploratory

17. Determine the relationship between the pair of words ALWAYS : NEVER and then select from the following pair of words which have a similar relationship:
(A) often : rarely 

(B) frequently : occasionally
(C) constantly : frequently 

(D) intermittently : casually

18. Find the wrong number in the sequence :
52, 51, 48, 43, 34, 27, 16
(A) 27 

(B) 34
(C) 43 

(D) 48

19. In a certain code, PAN is written as 31 and PAR as 35, then PAT is written in the same code as
(A) 30 

(B) 37
(C) 39 

(D) 41

20. The letters in the first set have certain relationship. On the basis of this relationship, make the right choice for the second set :
AF : IK : : LQ : ?
(A) MO 

(B) NP
(C) OR 

(D) TV