शनिवार, 3 सितंबर 2016



21. If A = 5, B = 6, C = 7, D = 8 and so on, what do the following numbers stand for?
17, 19, 20, 9, 8
(A) Plane 

(B) Moped
(C) Motor 

(D) Tonga

22. The price of oil is increased by 25%. If the expenditure is not allowed to increase, the ratio between the reduction in consumption and the original consumption is
(A) 1 : 3 

(B) 1 : 4
(C) 1 : 5 

(D) 1 : 6

23. How many 8’s are there in the following sequence which are preceded by 5 but not immediately followed by 3?
5 8 3 7 5 8 6 3 8 5 4 5 8 4 7 6 5 5 8 3 5 8 7 5 8 2 8 5

(B) 5
(C) 7 

(D) 3

24. If a rectangle were called a circle, a circle a point, a point a triangle and a triangle a square, the shape of a wheel is
(A) Rectangle 

(B) Circle
(C) Point 

(D) Triangle

25. Which one of the following methods is best suited for mapping the distribution of different crops as provided in the standard classification of crops in India?
(A) Pie diagram 

(B) Chorochromatic technique
(C) Isopleth technique 

(D) Dot method

26. Which one of the following does not come under the methods of data classification?
(A) Qualitative 

(B) Normative
(C) Spatial 

(D) Quantitative

27. Which one of the following is not a source of data?
(A) Administrative records 

(B) Population census
(C) GIS 

(D) Sample survey

28. If the statement ‘some men are cruel’ is false, which of the following statements/statement are/is true?
(i) All men are cruel.
(ii) No men are cruel.
(iii) Some men are not cruel.
(A) (i) and (iii) 

(B) (i) and (ii)
(C) (ii) and (iii) 

(D) (iii) only

29. The octal number system consists of the following symbols:
(A) 0 – 7 

(B) 0 – 9
(C) 0 – 9, A – F 

(D) None of the above

30. The binary equivalent of (–19)10 in signed magnitude system is
(A) 11101100 

(B) 11101101
(C) 10010011 

(D) None of these



11. Public communication tends to occur within a more
(A) complex structure 

(B) political structure
(C) convenient structure 

(D) formal structure

12. Transforming thoughts, ideas and messages into verbal and non-verbal signs is referred to as
(A) channelization 

(B) mediation
(C) encoding 

(D) decoding

13. Effective communication needs a supportive
(A) economic environment 

(B) political environment
(C) social environment 

(D) multi-cultural environment

14. A major barrier in the transmission of cognitive data in the process of communication is an individual’s
(A) personality 

(B) expectation
(C) social status 

(D) coding ability

15. When communicated, institutionalised stereotypes become
(A) myths 

(B) reasons
(C) experiences 

(D) convictions

16. In mass communication, selective perception is dependent on the receiver’s
(A) competence 

(B) pre-disposition
(C) receptivity 

(D) ethnicity

17. Determine the relationship between the pair of words NUMERATOR : DENOMINATOR and then select the pair of words from the following which have a similar relationship:
(A) fraction : decimal 

(B) divisor : quotient
(C) top : bottom 

(D) dividend : divisor

18. Find the wrong number in the sequence
125, 127, 130, 135, 142, 153, 165
(A) 130 

(B) 142
(C) 153 

(D) 165

19. If HOBBY is coded as IOBY and LOBBY is coded as MOBY; then BOBBY is coded as



20. The letters in the first set have certain relationship. On the basis of this relationship, make the right choice for the second set:
K/T : 11/20 :: J/R : ?
(A) 10/8 

(B) 10/18
(C) 11/19 

(D) 10/19



1. A research paper is a brief report of research work based on
(A) Primary Data only
(B) Secondary Data only
(C) Both Primary and Secondary Data
(D) None of the above

2. Newton gave three basic laws of motion. This research is categorized as
(A) Descriptive Research 

(B) Sample Survey
(C) Fundamental Research 

(D) Applied Research

3. A group of experts in a specific area of knowledge assembled at a place and prepared a syllabus for a new course. The process may be termed as
(A) Seminar 

(B) Workshop
(C) Conference 

(D) Symposium

4. In the process of conducting research ‘Formulation of Hypothesis” is followed by
(A) Statement of Objectives 

(B) Analysis of Data
(C) Selection of Research Tools 

(D) Collection of Data

Read the following passage carefully and answer questions 5 to 10:
All historians are interpreters of text if they be private letters, Government records or parish birthlists or whatever. For most kinds of historians, these are only the necessary means to understanding something other than the texts themselves, such as a political action or a historical trend, whereas for the intellectual historian, a full understanding of his chosen texts is itself the aim of his enquiries. Of course, the intellectual history is particularly prone to draw on the focus of other disciplines that are habitually interpreting texts for purposes of their own, probing the reasoning that ostensibly connects premises and conclusions. Furthermore, the boundaries with adjacent subdisciplines are shifting and indistinct : the history of art and the history of science both claim a certain autonomy, partly just because they require specialised technical skills, but both can also be seen as part of a wider intellectual history, as is evident when one considers, for example, the common stock of knowledge about cosmological beliefs or moral ideals of a period.

Like all historians, the intellectual historian is a consumer rather than a producer of ‘methods’. His distinctiveness lies in which aspect of the past he is trying to illuminate, not in having exclusive possession of either a corpus of evidence or a body of techniques. That being said, it does seem that the label ‘intellectual history’ attracts a disproportionate share of misunderstanding.

It is alleged that intellectual history is the history of something that never really mattered. The long dominance of the historical profession by political historians bred a kind of philistinism, an unspoken belief that power and its exercise was ‘what mattered’. The prejudice was reinforced by the assertion that political action was never really the outcome of principles or ideas that were ‘more flapdoodle’. The legacy of this precept is still discernible in the tendency to require ideas to have ‘licensed’ the political class before they can be deemed worthy of intellectual attention, as if there were some reasons why the history of art or science, of philosophy or literature, were somehow of interest and significance than the history of Parties or Parliaments. Perhaps in recent years the mirror-image of this philistinism has been more common in the claim that ideas of any one is of systematic expression or sophistication do not matter, as if they were only held by a minority.

Answer the following questions:

5. An intellectual historian aims to fully understand
(A) the chosen texts of his own 

(B) political actions
(C) historical trends 

(D) his enquiries

6. Intellectual historians do not claim exclusive possession of
(A) conclusions 

(B) any corpus of evidence
(C) distinctiveness 

(D) habitual interpretation

7. The misconceptions about intellectual history stem from
(A) a body of techniques
(B) the common stock of knowledge
(C) the dominance of political historians
(D) cosmological beliefs

8. What is philistinism?
(A) Reinforcement of prejudice
(B) Fabrication of reasons
(C) The hold of land-owning classes
(D) Belief that power and its exercise matter

9. Knowledge of cosmological beliefs or moral ideas of a period can be drawn as part of
(A) literary criticism 

(B) history of science
(C) history of philosophy 

(D) intellectual history

10. The claim that ideas of any one is of systematic expression do not matter, as if they were held by a minority, is
(A) to have a licensed political class 

(B) a political action
(C) a philosophy of literature 

(D) the mirror-image of philistinism



21. If Ram knows that y is an integer greater than 2 and less than 7 and Hari knows that y is an integer greater than 5 and less than 10, then they may correctly conclude that
(A) y can be exactly determined
(B) y may be either of two values
(C) y may be any of three values
(D) there is no value of y satisfying these conditions

22. Four pipes can fill a reservoir in 15, 20, 30 and 60 hours respectively. The first one was opened at 6 AM, second at 7 AM, third at 8 AM and the fourth at 9 AM. When will the reservoir be filled ?
(A) 11 AM 

(B) 12 Noon
(C) 1 PM 

(D) 1:30 PM

The total electricity generation in a country is 97 GW. The contribution of various energy sources is indicated in percentage terms in the Pie Chart given below:

23. What is the contribution of wind and solar power in absolute terms in the electricity generation?
(A) 6.79 GW 

(B) 19.4 GW
(C) 9.7 GW 

(D) 29.1 GW

24. What is the contribution of renewable energy sources in absolute terms in the electricity generation?
(A) 29.1 GW 

(B) 26.19 GW
(C) 67.9 GW 

(D) 97 GW

25. TCP/IP is necessary if one is to connect to the
(A) Phone lines 

(C) Internet 

(D) a Server

26. Each character on the keyboard of computer has an ASCII value which stands for
(A) American Stock Code for Information Interchange
(B) American Standard Code for Information Interchange
(C) African Standard Code for Information Interchange
(D) Adaptable Standard Code for Information Change

27. Which of the following is not a programming language?
(A) Pascal 

(B) Microsoft Office
(C) Java 

(D) C++

28. Minimum number of bits required to store any 3 digit decimal number is equal to
(A) 3 

(B) 5
(C) 8 

(D) 10

29. Internet explorer is a type of
(A) Operating System 

(B) Compiler
(C) Browser 

(D) IP address

30. POP3 and IMAP are e-mail accounts in which
(A) One automatically gets one’s mail everyday
(B) One has to be connected to the server to read or write one’s mail
(C) One only has to be connected to the server to send and receive email
(D) One does not need any telephone lines