शनिवार, 3 सितंबर 2016



1. Which of the following variables cannot be expressed in quantitative terms?
(A) Socio-economic Status 

(B) Marital Status
(C) Numerical Aptitude 

(D) Professional Attitude

2. A doctor studies the relative effectiveness of two drugs of dengue fever. His research would be classified as
(A) Descriptive Survey 

(B) Experimental Research
(C) Case Study 

(D) Ethnography

3. The term ‘phenomenology’ is associated with the process of
(A) Qualitative Research 

(B) Analysis of Variance
(C) Correlational Study 

(D) Probability Sampling

4. The ‘Sociogram’ technique is used to study
(A) Vocational Interest 

(B) Professional Competence
(C) Human Relations 

(D) Achievement Motivation

Read the following passage carefully and answer questions from 5 to 10:

It should be remembered that the nationalist movement in India, like all nationalist movements, was essentially a bourgeois movement. It represented the natural historical stage of development, and to consider it or to criticise it as a working-class movement is wrong. Gandhi represented that movement and the Indian masses in relation to that movement to a supreme degree, and he became the voice of Indian people to that extent. The main contribution of Gandhi to India and the Indian masses has been through the powerful movements which he launched through the National Congress. Through nation-wide action he sought to mould the millions, and largely succeeded in doing so, and changing them from a demoralised, timid and hopeless mass, bullied and crushed by every dominant interest, and incapable of resistance, into a people with self-respect and self-reliance, resisting tyranny, and capable of united action and sacrifice for a larger cause.

Gandhi made people think of political and economic issues and every village and every bazaar hummed with argument and debate on the new ideas and hopes that filled the people. That was an amazing psychological change. The time was ripe for it, of course, and

circumstances and world conditions worked for this change. But a great leader is necessary to take advantage of circumstances and conditions. Gandhi was that leader, and he released

many of the bonds that imprisoned and disabled our minds, and none of us who experienced it can ever forget that great feeling of release and exhilaration that came over the Indian people.

Gandhi has played a revolutionary role in India of the greatest importance because he knew how to make the most of the objective conditions and could reach the heart of the masses, while groups with a more advanced ideology functioned largely in the air because they did not fit in with those conditions and could therefore not evoke any substantial response from the masses.

It is perfectly true that Gandhi, functioning in the nationalist plane, does not think in terms of the conflict of classes, and tries to compose their differences. But the action he has indulged and taught the people has inevitably raised mass consciousness tremendously and made social issues vital. Gandhi and the Congress must be judged by the policies they pursue and the action they indulge in. But behind this, personality counts and colours those policies and activities. In the case of very exceptional person like Gandhi the question of personality becomes especially important in order to understand and appraise him. To us he has represented the spirit and honour of India, the yearning of her sorrowing millions to be rid of their innumerable burdens, and an insult to him by the British Government or others has been an insult to India and her people.

5. Which one of the following is true of the given passage?
(A) The passage is a critique of Gandhi’s role in Indian movement for independence.
(B) The passage hails the role of Gandhi in India’s freedom movement.
(C) The author is neutral on Gandhi’s role in India’s freedom movement.
(D) It is an account of Indian National Congress’s support to the working-class movement.

6. The change that the Gandhian movement brought among the Indian masses was
(A) Physical 

(B) Cultural
(C) Technological 

(D) Psychological

7. To consider the nationalist movement or to criticise it as a working-class movement was wrong because it was a
(A) historical movement 

(B) voice of the Indian people
(C) bourgeois movement 

(D) movement represented by Gandhi

8. Gandhi played a revolutionary role in India because he could
(A) preach morality 

(B) reach the heart of Indians
(C) see the conflict of classes 

(D) lead the Indian National Congress

9. Groups with advanced ideology functioned in the air as they did not fit in with
(A) objective conditions of masses
(B) the Gandhian ideology
(C) the class consciousness of the people
(D) the differences among masses

10. The author concludes the passage by
(A) criticising the Indian masses
(B) the Gandhian movement
(C) pointing out the importance of the personality of Gandhi
(D) identifying the sorrows of millions of Indians



51. The value of X, which is exceeded 90% of the time in the duration of measurement, is
(A) 63 

(B) 62
(C) 61 

(D) 60

52. The value of X, which is exceeded 50% of the time in the duration of measurement, is
(A) 66 

(B) 65
(C) 64 

(D) 63

53. For maintaining an effective discipline in the class, the teacher should
(A) Allow students to do what they like.
(B) Deal with the students strictly.
(C) Give the students some problem to solve.
(D) Deal with them politely and firmly.

54. An effective teaching aid is one which
(A) is colourful and good looking 

(B) activates all faculties
(C) is visible to all students 

(D) easy to prepare and use

55. Those teachers are popular among students who
(A) develop intimacy with them
(B) help them solve their problems
(C) award good grades
(D) take classes on extra tuition fee

56. The essence of an effective classroom environment is
(A) a variety of teaching aids 

(B) lively student-teacher interaction
(C) pin-drop silence 

(D) strict discipline

57. On the first day of his class, if a teacher is asked by the students to introduce himself, he should
(A) ask them to meet after the class
(B) tell them about himself in brief
(C) ignore the demand and start teaching
(D) scold the student for this unwanted demand

58. Moral values can be effectively inculcated among the students when the teacher
(A) frequently talks about values
(B) himself practices them
(C) tells stories of great persons
(D) talks of Gods and Goddesses

59. The essential qualities of a researcher are
(A) spirit of free enquiry
(B) reliance on observation and evidence
(C) systematization or theorizing of knowledge
(D) all the above

60. Research is conducted to
I. Generate new knowledge
II. Not to develop a theory
III. Obtain research degree
IV. Reinterpret existing knowledge
Which of the above are correct?
(A) I, III & II 

(B) III, II & IV
(C) II, I & III 

(D) I, III & IV



41. The first Open University in India was set up in the State of
(A) Andhra Pradesh 

(B) Delhi
(C) Himachal Pradesh 

(D) Tamil Nadu

42. Most of the Universities in India are funded by
(A) the Central Government
(B) the State Governments
(C) the University Grants Commission
(D) Private bodies and Individuals

43. Which of the following organizations looks after the quality of Technical and Management education in India?



44. Consider the following statements:
Identify the statement which implies natural justice.
(A) The principle of natural justice is followed by the Courts.
(B) Justice delayed is justice denied.
(C) Natural justice is an inalienable right of a citizen
(D) A reasonable opportunity of being heard must be given.

45. The President of India is
(A) the Head of State
(B) the Head of Government
(C) both Head of the State and the Head of the Government
(D) None of the above

46. Who among the following holds office during the pleasure of the President of India?
(A) Chief Election Commissioner
(B) Comptroller and Auditor General of India
(C) Chairman of the Union Public Service Commission
(D) Governor of a State

Questions 47 to 49 are based upon the following diagram in which there are three interlocking circles A, P and S where A stands for Artists, circle P for Professors and circle S for Sports persons.
Different regions in the figure are lettered from a to f:

47. The region which represents artists who are neither sportsmen nor professors.
(A) d 

(B) e
(C) b 

(D) g

48. The region which represents professors, who are both artists and sportspersons.

(B) c
(C) d 

(D) g

49. The region which represents professors, who are also sportspersons, but not artists.
(A) e 

(B) f

(D) g

Questions 50 to 52 are based on the following data:

Measurements of some variable X were made at an interval of 1 minute from 10 A.M. to 10:20 A.M. The data, thus, obtained is as follows:

X :60, 62, 65, 64, 63, 61, 66, 65, 70, 68, 63, 62, 64, 69, 65, 64, 66, 67, 66, 64

50. The value of X, which is exceeded 10% of the time in the duration of measurement, is
(A) 69

(B) 68
(C) 67 

(D) 66



31. DNS in internet technology stands for
(A) Dynamic Name System 

(B) Domain Name System
(C) Distributed Name System 

(D) None of these

32. HTML stands for
(A) Hyper Text Markup Language
(B) Hyper Text Manipulation Language
(C) Hyper Text Managing Links
(D) Hyper Text Manipulating Links

33. Which of the following is type of LAN?
(A) Ethernet 

(B) Token Ring

(D) All of the above

34. Which of the following statements is true?
(A) Smart cards do not require an operating system.
(B) Smart cards and PCs use some operating system.
(C) COS is smart card operating system.
(D) The communication between reader and card is in full duplex mode.

35. The Ganga Action Plan was initiated during the year
(A) 1986 

(B) 1988
(C) 1990 

(D) 1992

36. Identify the correct sequence of energy sources in order of their share in the power sector in India:
(A) Thermal > nuclear > hydro > wind
(B) Thermal > hydro > nuclear > wind
(C) Hydro > nuclear > thermal > wind
(D) Nuclear > hydro > wind > thermal

37. Chromium as a contaminant in drinking water in excess of permissible levels, causes
(A) Skeletal damage
(B) Gastrointestinal problem
(C) Dermal and nervous problems
(D) Liver/Kidney problems

38. The main precursors of winter smog are
(A) N2O and hydrocarbons 

(B) NOx and hydrocarbons
(C) SO2 and hydrocarbons 

(D) SO2 and ozone

39. Flash floods are caused when
(A) the atmosphere is convectively unstable and there is considerable vertical wind shear
(B) the atmosphere is stable
(C) the atmosphere is convectively unstable with no vertical windshear
(D) winds are catabatic

40. In mega cities of India, the dominant source of air pollution is
(A) transport sector 

(B) thermal power
(C) municipal waste 

(D) commercial sector