मंगलवार, 6 सितंबर 2016



Read the following passage carefully and answer the questions 11 to 15:
Radically changing monsoon patterns, reduction in the winter rice harvest and a quantum increase in respiratory diseases all part of the environmental doomsday scenario which is reportedly playing out in South Asia. According to a United Nations Environment Programme report, a deadly three-kilometer deep blanket of pollution comprising a fearsome, cocktail of ash, acids, aerosols and other particles has enveloped in this region. For India, already struggling to cope with a drought, the implication of this are devastating and further crop failure will amount to a life and death question for many Indians. The increase in premature deaths will have adverse social and economic consequences and a rise in morbidities will place an unbearable burden on our crumbling health system. And there is no one to blame but ourselves. Both official and corporate India has always been allergic to any mention of clean technology. Most mechanical two wheelers roll of the assembly line without proper pollution control system. Little effort is made for R&D on simple technologies, which could make a vital difference to people's lives and the environment.

However, while there is no denying that South Asia must clean up its act, skeptics might question the timing of the haze report. The Kyoto meet on climate change is just two weeks away and the stage is set for the usual battle between the developing world and the West, particularly the Unites States of America. President Mr. Bush has adamantly refused to sign any protocol, which would mean a change in American consumption level. U.N. environment report will likely find a place in the U.S. arsenal as it plants an accusing finger towards controls like India and China. Yet the U.S.A. can hardly deny its own dubious role in the matter of erasing trading quotas.

Richer countries can simply buy up excess credits from poorer countries and continue to pollute. Rather than try to get the better of developing countries, who undoubtedly have taken up environmental shortcuts in their bid to catch up with the West, the USA should take a look at the environmental profligacy, which is going on within. From opening up virgin territories for oil exploration to relaxing the standards for drinking water, Mr. Bush's policies are not exactly beneficial, not even to America's interests. We realize that we are all in this together and that pollution anywhere should be a global concern otherwise there will only be more tunnels at the end of the tunnel.

11. Both official and corporate India is allergic to:
(A) Failure of Monsoon 

(B) Poverty and Inequality
(C) Slowdown in Industrial Production 

(D) Mention of Clean Technology

12. If the rate of premature death increases it will:
(A) Exert added burden on the crumbling economy
(B) Have adverse social and economic consequences
(C) Make positive effect on our effort to control population
(D) Have less job aspirants in the society

13. According to the passage, the two wheeler industry is not adequately concerned about:
(A) Passenger safety on the roads
(B) Life cover insurance of the vehicle owner
(C) Pollution control system in the vehicle
(D) Rising cost of the two wheelers

14. What could be the reason behind timing of the haze report just before the Kyoto meet?
(A) United Nations is working hand-in-glove with U.S.A.
(B) Organizers of the forthcoming meet to teach a lesson to the U.S.A.
(C) Drawing attention of the world towards devastating effects of environment degradation.
(D) U.S.A. wants to use it as a handle against the developing countries in the forthcoming meet

15. Which of the following is the indication of environmental degradation in South Asia?
(A) Social and economic inequality
(B) Crumbling health care system
(C) Inadequate pollution control system
(D) Radically changing monsoon pattern

16. Community Radio is a type of radio service that caters to the interest of:
(A) Local audience 

(B) Education
(C) Entertainment 

(D) News

17. Orcut is a part of:
(A) Intra personal Communication 

(B) Mass Communication
(C) Group Communication 

(D) Interpersonal Communication

18. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below:
List-I                                                     List - II
(Artists)                                                   (Art)
(a) Amrita Shergill                             (i) Flute
(b) T. Swaminathan Pillai                 (ii) Classical Song
(c) Bhimsenjoshi                                (iii) Painting
(d) Padma Subramaniyam                (iv) Bharat Natyam
        (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(B) (ii) (iii) (i) (iv)
(C) (iv) (ii) (iii) (i)
(D) (i) (iv) (ii) (iii)

19. Which is not correct in latest communication award?
(A) Salman Rushdie - Booker's Prize - July 20, 2008
(B) Dilip Sanghavi - Business Standard CEO Award July 22, 2008
(C) Tapan Sinha - Dada Saheb Falke Award, July 21, 2008
(D) Gautam Ghosh - Osians Lifetime Achievement Award July 11, 2008

20. Firewalls are used to protect a communication network system against:
(A) Unauthorized attacks 

(B) Virus attacks
(C) Data-driven attacks 

(D) Fire-attacks



41. Environmental impact assessment is an objective analysis of the probable changes in:
(A) physical characteristics of the environment
(B) biophysical characteristics of the environment
(C) socio-economic characteristics of the environment
(D) all the above

42. Bog is a wetland that receives water from:
(A) nearby water bodies 

(B) melting
(C) rain fall only 

(D) sea only

43. Which of the following region is in the very high risk zone of earthquakes?
(A) Central Indian Highland 

(B) Coastal region
(C) Himalayan region 

(D) Indian desert

44. Match List-I with List-II and select the correct answer using the codes given below:
List-I                                                                     List-II
(Institutes)                                                            (Cities)
(a) Central Arid Zone Institute                        (i) Kolkata
(b) Space Application Centre                           (ii) New Delhi
(c) Indian Institute of Public Administration (iii) Ahmedabad
(d) Headquarters of Indian Science Congress (iv) Jodhpur
        (a) (b) (c) (d)
(A) (iv) (iii) (ii) (i)
(B) (iv) (ii) (i) (iii)
(C) (iii) (i) (ii) (iv)
(D) (i) (ii) (iv) (iii)

45. Indian coastal areas experienced Tsunami disaster in the year:
(A) 2005 

(B) 2004
(C) 2006 

(D) 2007

46. The Kothari Commission's report was entitled on:
(A) Education and National Development
(B) Learning to be adventure
(C) Diversification of Education
(D) Education and socialization in democracy

47. Which of the following is not a Dualmode University?
(A) Delhi University
(B) Bangalore University
(C) Madras University
(D) Indira Gandhi National Open University

48. Which part of the Constitution of India is known as "Code of Administrators" ?
(A) Part I 

(B) Part II
(C) Part III 

(D) Part IV

49. Which article of the constitution provides safeguards to Naga Customary and their social practices against any act of Parliament?
(A) Article 371 A 

(B) Article 371 B
(C) Article 371 C 

(D) Article 263

50. Which one of the following is not the tool of good governance?
(A) Right to information 

(B) Citizens' Charter
(C) Social Auditing 

(D) Judicial Activism



1. According to Swami Vivekananda, teacher's success depends on:
(A) His renunciation of personal gain and service to others
(B) His professional training and creativity
(C) His concentration on his work and duties with a spirit of obedience to God
(D) His mastery on the subject and capacity in controlling the students

2. Which of the following teacher, will be liked most?
(A) A teacher of high idealistic attitude
(B) A loving teacher
(C) A teacher who is disciplined
(D) A teacher who often amuses his students

3. A teacher's most important challenge is:
(A) To make students do their home work
(B) To make teaching-learning process enjoyable
(C) To maintain discipline in the class room
(D) To prepare the question paper

4. Value-education stands for:
(A) making a student healthy 

(B) making a student to get a job
(C) inculcation of virtues 

(D) all-round development of personality

5. When a normal student behaves in an erratic manner in the class, you would:
(A) pull up the student then and there
(B) talk to the student after the class
(C) ask the student to leave the class
(D) ignore the student

6. The research is always -
(A) verifying the old knowledge 

(B) exploring new knowledge
(C) filling the gap between knowledge 

(D) all of these

7. The research that applies the laws at the time of field study to draw more and more clear ideas about the problem is:
(A) Applied research 

(B) Action research
(C) Experimental research 

(D) None of these

8. When a research problem is related to heterogeneous population, the most suitable sampling method is:
(A) Cluster Sampling 

(B) Stratified Sampling
(C) Convenient Sampling 

(D) Lottery Method

9. The process not needed in experimental research is:
(A) Observation 

(B) Manipulation and replication
(C) Controlling 

(D) Reference collection

10. A research problem is not feasible only when:
(A) it is researchable
(B) it is new and adds something to knowledge
(C) it consists of independent and dependent variables
(D) it has utility and relevance



Questions 31 and 32 are based on the following Venn diagram in which there are three intersecting circles representing Hindi knowing persons, English knowing persons and persons who are working as teachers. Different regions so obtained in the figure are marked as a, b, c, d, e, f and g.

31. If you want to select Hindi and English knowing teachers, which of the following is to be selected?
(A) g 

(B) b

(D) e

32. If you want to select persons, who do not know English and are not teachers, which of the region is to be selected?
(A) e 

(B) g
(C) b 

(D) a

Study the following graph carefully and answer questions 33 to 35.

33. In which year the quantity of engineering goods' exports was maximum?
(A) 2005 

(B) 2006
(C) 2004 

(D) 2007

34. In which year the value of engineering goods decreased by 50 percent compared to the previous year?
(A) 2004 

(B) 2007
(C) 2005 

(D) 2006

35. In which year the quantity of exports was 100 percent higher than the quantity of previous year?
(A) 2004 

(B) 2005
(C) 2006 

(D) 2007

36. What do you need to put your web pages on the www?
(A) a connection to internet 

(B) a web browser
(C) a web server 

(D) all of the above

37. Which was the first company to launch mobile phone services in India?
(A) Essar 

(C) Hutchison 

(D) Airtel

38. Chandrayan I was launched on 22nd October, 2008 in India from:
(A) Bangalore 

(B) Sri Harikota
(C) Chennai 

(D) Ahmedabad

39. What is blog?
(A) Online music
(B) Intranet
(C) A personal or corporate website in the form of an online journal
(D) A personal or corporate Google search

40. Which is not online Indian Matrimonial website?
(A) www.jeevansathi.com
(B) www.bharatmatrimony.com
(C) www.shaadi.com
(D) www.u.k.singlemuslim.com